Redux w/ React/ReactJS: A Very Simple Example

Redux is a popular state management library. It is lightweight, with around just 2kB in size, and has great community support.

This tutorial is a simplifed step-by-step guide on how to set-up or use Redux with React using a simple example.

reactjs redux

Before we start, we install the dependent packages that would be needed to build our React-Redux example code: react-redux, redux and redux-thunk

				npm i react-redux
				npm i redux
				npm i redux-thunk

We first start with the Reducer. It is named that way because it is akin to the Array reduce() method, which takes in an array and returns a single condensed value. The first thing we do is setup the initial state. Here is where your application state is stored as a single object.

For our example, we introduce two state variables name, an (empty) string, and books, an (empty) array.

Just below the INITIAL_STATE is the reducer, which actually is a function that takes in the current state of the application and the associated action (we will come to that in the next section) as parameters and returns a new state. The body of a reducer usually consists of a switch statement for all cases of the action types you design.

Now we define one action type called SET_DATA which updates state variables (like name and books in our example here). But to make changes to an existing state, there is some rule to follow in Redux: never mutate a state. Instead, a copy of it with new/updated values should be created which is usually done using Object.assign(). But again, Redux gave an alternative to achieve this by using the Spread Operator. Here is a screenshot from the official site's page on Reducers: reducers

So here is our reducer.js.

				// reducer.js
				const INITIAL_STATE = {
					name: '',
					books: []
				export default (state = INITIAL_STATE, action={}) => {
					switch(action.type) {
						case "SET_DATA":
							return {
							return state;

And now we come to action.js where actions are defined. The only way the state in Redux store can be changed is by emitting an action. Actions are basically plain JavaScript objects with the type key. An action is sent to the store using the dispatch() method.

Here we define an action type SET_DATA.

				// action.js
				const setData = (content) => {
					return {
						type: "SET_DATA",
				const appendData = (obj) => {
					return (dispatch) => {
				export {

Inside store.js, the reducer along with the applyMiddleware() function are passed as parameters to the createStore() method which creates a store to keep together the state tree of your application.

				// store.js
				import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
				import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
				import reducer from "./reducer"; 
				const store = createStore(
				export default store;

Now comes the component, the "view" part of Redux. We create one called <Books/> which first updates the state inside the Redux store upon its load and renders these updated values from the store. This is achieved via the connect() function which is imported from react-redux. The connect() function connects the wrapped component to the Redux store. It takes two optional arguments: mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps. The mapStateToProps argument specification implies that the component would be subscribed to the Redux store updates. The mapDispatchToProps argument dispatches actions and it can either be an object full of action creators (created in your action.js) or a function composed of functions using the dispatch() method.

For the sake of simplicity, we assign some hard-coded values inside componentDidMount(). In a real world React-Redux application, those values would either have been passed down from parent components as props or retrieved via axios or fetch(). The only important thing to note here is how the Redux state variables are updated. One is a string and the other is an array. The appendData() method we defined in action.js is imported and used for the purpose.

				// Books.js
				import React from "react";
				import { connect } from "react-redux";
				import { appendData } from "./action"; 
				class Library extends React.Component {  
				  componentDidMount() {
				  	let name = 'Anastasia';
				  	let arr = [];
				  		book_id: 1,
				  		title: 'Dune',
				  		author: 'Frank Herbert',
				  		year: 1965
				  		book_id: 2,
				  		title: 'Hyperion',
				  		author: 'Dan Simmons',
				  		year: 1989
				  		name: name,
				  		books: [...this.props.books, ...arr]
				  render() {	
				  	const { name, books } = this.props;
				    let booksList = books.length > 0
				    	&&, i) => {
				      return (
				        <li key={i} value={item.book_id}>
				        	{item.title} by {} ({item.year})
				    }, this);
					  return (
					    	<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
					    		{ booksList }
				const mapDispatchToProps = {
				const mapStateToProps = state => ({
				  books: state.books
				export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Library);

And finally, we have the index.js where the passed component is wrapped over by the <Provider/> component which passes the store as props.

				// index.js
				import React from "react";
				import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
				import { Provider } from "react-redux";
				import Books from "./Books";
				import store from "./store";
				const App = () => {
				  return (
				const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
				  <Provider store={store}>

And below we have the rendered view of the component.

reactjs redux exmaple view
