Callback Functions

An anonymous function can be assigned to a variable.

And hence, like any data assigned to a variable, a function can also be passed as an argument to other functions. Such a function is known as a callback function.

js callback function

Below we give an example of a function called irrational() that accepts a function as its parameter, and executes it

				function irrational(f) {

We declare another function called pi() that returns the value of π

				function pi() {
					return Math.PI;

and pass it as an argument to irrational()

js callback function example

The function irrational() executes it and prints the value 3.141592653589793 in the console. Here, pi() is a callback function.

Anonymous Callback Functions

Instead of declaring pi() separately, we can pass it as an anonymous function as shown below

						return Math.PI;

That nameless passed function is known as an anonymous callback function.