React/ReactJS: Handling Events

There was once a habit of registering event handlers as HTML attributes as shown below.

				<input type="radio" value="trillium" onclick="checkFlower()" 
					name="flower"/> Trillium<br/>		
trillium flower Great White Trillium by Bernard B. ILarde. CC BY-SA 3.0

Once the click event occurs, the onclick event handler calls the checkFlower() function defined somewhere inside the <script> element.

				function checkflower(){
					// do something

This practice is not recommended anymore, unless, of course, you are working on an archaic IE8/Opera 6 compatible web application which do not support the addEventListener() method.

But in JSX, using inline event handlers happen to be a norm. Just that events in JSX are written in camelCase, like onClick, onChange, onMouseOver, onPointerDown, etc.

The above HTML tag with an event handler can be rewritten in JSX as:

				<input type="radio" value="trillium" onClick={(e) => this.checkFlower(e)} 
					name="flower"/> Trillium<br/>		

Now since any method defined inside an ES6 class inherits bind() from the Function prototype, we can also write it as:

				<input type="radio" value="trillium" onClick={this.checkFlower.bind(this)} 
					name="flower"/> Trillium<br/>		

The checkFlower() function is defined somewhere inside the component, and is known as a callback function (generally just "callback"), and e is the synthetic event.

				  checkFlower(e) {
				    console.log('flower: ',;

But again, such practice of binding in property or render is not encouraged because everytime the component renders, it creates a new function.

Binding of the callback function should be done in the constructor (ES6). Notice that bind() is not used inside the JSX anymore.

					class Flower extends React.Component {
						constructor(props) {
					    	this.checkFlower = this.checkFlower.bind(this);
						checkFlower(e) {
					  		console.log('flower: ',;
					  	render() {
						    return (
						    		<input type="radio" value="trillium" 
						    			onClick={this.checkFlower} name="flower"/> 

Now there is another way where we can do away with the mandatory bindings either inside the constructor or the JSX and do it in the method definition itself.

				checkFlower = (e) => {
					console.log('flower: ',;

The syntax is elegant, but is still experimental (not-standardized).

Passing Extra/Additional Parameters

Also we may need to send additional parameters besides the synthetic event e. As in JavaScript, we do this by sending a comma-separated list of arguments after this.

					<input type="radio" value="trillium" 
						onClick={this.checkFlower.bind(this, '3')} 
						name="flower"/> Trillium<br/>		

Or if the binding is done properly inside the constructor:

						constructor(props) {
							this.checkFlower = this.checkFlower.bind(this, '3');

But inside the callback, the synthetic event e occurs last in the order of parameters.

					  checkFlower(petals, e) {
					    console.log("petals: ", petals, ', flower: ',;