PHP: Basic Syntax

PHP code is signified to the PHP interpreter enclosed within special tags.

The standard and the most common is the open tag <?php ending with the delimiter ?>

						echo 'Hello, World!';  

Statements in PHP end with a semicolon (;) and PHP files end with a .php extension.

HTML/Script Tag

As in the case of JavaScript, PHP code can also be enclosed between the <script> tags by setting the language attribute to php

						<script language="php">
							echo 'Hello, World!'; 

PHP Short Open Tag

PHP also has a provision for a shorter open tag <?. It can be enabled in the php.ini configuration file (usually located in the /etc/php5/apache2 directory) by setting short_open_tag to On, which otherwise was set to Off by default.

php.ini Configuration File

After saving the changes, restart the Apache server. The below script should print just Hello, World!

							echo 'Hello, World!'; 

The usage of short open tags however is not recommended.

ASP Style Tag

As in the case of short_open_tag described in the above section, ASP style tag can also be enabled by setting asp_tags to On in the php.ini configuration file. Restarting the Apache server thereafter, and running the below script should print Hello, World!

							echo 'Hello, World!';  


Single-line comments in PHP can start either with a # (hash), shell-style,

							# this is a single-line comment

or with double-slashes, C++ style

							// this is also a single-line comment

Multiline comments in PHP are C-like

							/* this is
							a multi-line
							comment */  

Case Sensitivity/Insensitivity

In PHP, the following are case insensitive:

  • built-in constructs (like echo and print)
  • keywords (like if, else,while, do, etc.)
  • user-defined function names
  • user-defined class names and class methods

The below script runs perfectly, despite using echo in all caps as ECHO

						<script language="php">
							echo 'Hello, World!'; 
							ECHO 'Hello, World!';  

However, constants, variables, array keys, class properties and class constants are all case sensitive.