JavaScript call(), apply() and bind() Methods.

There is a provision in JavaScript where we can use methods belonging to some function/object on another, without copying or redefining them again. This is what method "borrowing" is all about, and we have the call(), apply() and bind() methods for it, all belonging to the Function.prototype property.

call() or

Zebra Swallowtail by Meganmccarty , via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. Calendulauda Albescens by Andrew Smith, via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.

The call() method belong to the Function.protoype property and was first introduced in ECMAScript 3 (, p.96). The call() method invokes a function with a given this value (which is an object) while the arguments are provided to it individually. The syntax is as follows

	, argument1, argument2, ... , argumentN)
Optional. The value of this provided for the call to function.
argument1, ..., argumentN
Optional. Arguments as a list to the actual function.

In this script, the object Butterfly do not have the do() method, which belong to the Bird object. But it borrows the method from the Bird object via call(). The this object provided for the call is the Butterfly object and the argument "flutter" after it is an argument to the actual method

					var Bird = {
					    name: "Lark",
					    do: function(greet) {
							console.log("I am a " + + ", I " + greet + "!");
					var Butterfly  = {
					    name: "Swallowtail"
					}, "flutter");

Here is another example.

Wizard of Oz. Public Domain

Here, the this object is the title object and the remaining arguments after the this object are arguments to the actual function movie().

					var title = {name: "Wizard of Oz"};
					function movie(year, length) {
					    return "Movie: " + + ", Year: " + year + ", Length: " + length;
					console.log(, '1939', '101 mins'));

Executing the script in the browser's console, we get

apply() or Function.prototype.apply()

The apply() method also belong to the Function.protoype property and is similar in syntax to the call() method. The difference is, while the call() method accepts arguments as a list, the apply() method accepts them as an array. The syntax is as follows

					function.apply(this, [argument1, argument2, ... , argumentN])
Optional. The value of this provided for the call to function.
[argument1, ..., argumentN]
Optional. An array of arguments to the function.

It was also introduced in ECMAScript 3 (, p.95).

The apply() method invokes a function with a given this value (which is an object), while the arguments args are provided to it as an array.

					var title = {name: "Wizard of Oz"};
					var args = ['1939', '101 mins'];
					var movie = function(year, length) {
					    return "Movie: " + + ", Year: " + year + ", Length: " + length;
					console.log(movie.apply(title, args));

NOTE: The call() and apply() methods look syntatically identical, but there is a difference in the way they accept arguments. call() accepts a list of arguments, while apply() accepts a one-dimensional array of arguments.

bind() or Function.prototype.bind()

The bind() method was introduced in the ECMAScript 5 specificaton (, p.119). Like the call() and apply() methods, it also belong to the Function.prototype property.

The bind() method creates a bound function, which is a kind-of wrapper for the original function. This returned function can then be stored for later use.

In the script below, the bound function is assigned to the binded variable, which is invoked a line below, inside the console.log() method. The arguments '1939' and '101 mins' are already prepended to the argument list when the bound function binded() is called.

					var title = {name: "Wizard of Oz"};
					var movie = function(year, length) {
					    return "Item: " + + ", Year: " + year + ", Length: " + length;
					var binded = movie.bind(title, '1939', '101 mins');

We can also create a bound function without any prepended arguments, and pass them at the time of invoking it.

					var title = {name: "Wizard of Oz"};
					var movie = function(year, length) {
					    return "Item: " + + ", Year: " + year + ", Length: " + length;
					var binded = movie.bind(title);
					console.log(binded('1939', '101 mins'));

Now there is a common mistake while extracting a method from an object. Here, number.getN is extracted and assigned to retrieveN. When retrieveN is called, it is a common perception that it uses the original number object, but instead, it calls the window object as this. So that when retrieveN is called, it refers to window.n (or this.n) of the window object and returns 2, and not the original object number.

					this.n = 2;    // 'this' refers to global window object
					var number = {
					  n: 3,
					  getN: function() { return this.n; }
					number.getN(); // 3
					var retrieveN = number.getN;
					retrieveN(); // returns 2; not 3

The this keyword refers to the context object in which the current code is executing. If it is in the global context, it will refer to the browser's window object, unless the 'strict mode' is applied.

You can try the following script quickly in your browser console, and it will return true.

					> Object(window, this);

So when we declare x as a global variable, both window.x and this.x returns the same value.

					> var x = 3;
					> window.x
					> this.x

This can be remedied by creating a bound function using the bind() method.

					this.n = 2;    // 'this' refers to global window object
					var number = {
					  n: 3,
					  getN: function() { return this.n; }
					var boundGetN = number.getN.bind(number);
					boundGetN(); // returns 3